Monday, 3 May 2010


A cost-cutting proposal presented by UNISON to Notting Hill Housing Trust (NHHT) has been rejected by the Trust’s Board. Additional meetings with NHHT’s Corporate Management Team have also ended without any agreement being reached.

The Trust’s Chief Executive, Kate Davies, has ruled out any further concessions on the changes to the terms and conditions that were imposed on all staff, without UNISON’s agreement, on 1st March,

The Trust’s cuts to terms and conditions have completely removed paid carers’ leave and flexitime for all staff. Redeployment pay protections and relocation allowances have also been cut by 75%.

UNISON, Regional Organiser, Colin Inniss, said: “The Trust’s Chief Executive, Kate Davies, expressed an opinion that these cuts to terms and conditions do not go far enough. That is a frightening concept for all of our members and one which should also worry tenants. Management by imposition demoralises a workforce and leaves UNISON with no other alternative than to continue our dispute with NHHT.

This will involve a series of Lunchtime lobbies of the Trust’s Head Office in Hammersmith’s followed by 2 days of industrial action.

UNISON has consistently stated that the solution to this dispute is not through imposition but by reaching a negotiated agreement which addresses the real concerns of NHHT’s skilled and committed employees. UNISON will be seeking the assistance of ACAS in reaching a reasonable agreement with NHHT. Only such an agreement can prevent further industrial action.”

For further info please see UNISON's Housing branch website and John's Labour Blog

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